El tigre

This book follows the story of El Tigre, an audiovisual series centered on Yoel, a young man from a small Peruvian town who discovers his passion and talent for chicha music, a genre that blends Andean melodies with cumbia rhythms.





Personal Project




El Tigre


El Tigre is a pre-production project that captures the vibrant essence of Peru's chicha music scene. The story follows the rise of a young man from humble beginnings to superstardom, navigating the cultural, emotional, and artistic challenges of becoming a chicha music icon.

This project emphasizes the depth of preparation required to bring a story to life, blending extensive research, character development, and narrative structure to honor the authenticity and richness of chicha music. "El Tigre" is not just a screenplay; it is a celebration of the cultural heritage and resilience of the artists who shaped this unique musical genre.

Ready to roll?

Get in touch and let’s make it happen ✨. I’m open for full-time or part-time opportunities, ready to take creativity to the next level 🚀.